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People with an Ostomy

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Learn how to use the StomaGenie® during pouch changes.
Nurse / Caregiver / Changing Partner Options
Option A: Standing During Change

Option B: Lying Down/Propped Up

Option C: Both Sitting Down

Option D: Patient on Exam Table

1. Remove pouching system 2. Wipe off stoma, cover stoma with correct size cartridge. 3. If able, ostomate should hold cartridge in place. 4. Stretch skin to smooth out creases when applying new pouching system.

Lying down: Place tissue under bottom of cartridge, tilt the bottom down while tilting the top upwards.
Learn how to choose the correct StomaGenie® cartridge size.
Learn how to order StomaGenie® custom adapters.

Learn how the StomaGenie® can be adapted for sensitive or irritated skin.

1. If you have irritated or sensitive skin directly around the stoma. Pull absorbent fabric approx. 1/8″ (3.175mm) out of cartridge and fold back over open rim.
2. Push fabric back into cartridge, then insert plug.
Tip: Use a Q tip or toothpick to push fabric back into cartridge.
NOTE: Be careful not to overlap too much fabric when using two-piece systems. Fabric may get caught on new baseplate when removing cartridge.
Learn about an easy, simple and clean routine and why people use a StomaGenie®.
Learn how to use the SecurPress® to prevent leaks.
The SecurPress® helps seal the baseplate inside the flange ring and directly around the stoma. Using fingers may not adequately and evenly secure the adhesive to the skin.
- One-Piece System

One-Piece System: After pouch is applied, locate stoma, carefully center press over stoma (from outside of pouch), press and hold 45-60 seconds.
- Two-Piece Pouching System

Two-Piece System: Place the press over the cartridge, slide it down and press barrier against skin, hold for 45-60 seconds.