The Mother of Invention... a brilliant idea overcomes an age-old ostomy pouch changing problem.
This is Our Story
The Mother of Invention... a brilliant idea overcomes an age-old ostomy pouch changing problem.
This is Our Story
- Frustration
- Loss of Control
- Isolation
- Skin Issues
- Flawed Process
Our family experienced firsthand the pain and frustration of living with an ostomy and the challenges of replacing the pouch and managing a healthy stoma.
Liney Guidry had surgery to form a urostomy and struggled with the lack of control and hygiene while performing his pouch replacement. He had an idea and wandered the aisles of the local hardware store for a solution. Liney created his own rudimentary device, improved his pouch change process, and finally regained his confidence and independence. We were ecstatic to see his return to a more normal life.
But what about other ostomates? How could they get the same relief and improve their quality of life? These questions challenged our family and provided a sense of purpose, and Stomagienics was born.
Our mission is to improve the lives of ostomates everywhere by helping them manage their ostomy. We have created a revolutionary device for pouch replacement and we will continue to innovate solutions for ostomy care.
How Stomagienics Is Making An Impact
a word from our team

Our Mission, Values and Vision
stomagienics at a glance
We care. We empower ostomates to take control of their lives.
We explore and define gaps in ostomy care. We challenge the status quo and develop real solutions.
By phone, online, support group meetings and conferences, we stay engaged with the ostomate and healthcare community.
We enable better outcomes by delivering products that are easy-to-use and essential to ostomy care.
Be Part of a Supportive Community
We’re always in the Community listening to ostomate’s struggles, needs and wins. We share what we learn from them and from our research in our newsletter. Join now for tips and support on how to live well and independently with your stoma. You can unsubscribe any time.
Listen, learning and spreading the word.